
How often should I juice cleanse?


It depends on your personal lifestyle and situation but if you are in tune with your body, you’ll know when it’s time to embark on your next cleanse.

Some people like to cleanse for a full day once a week, others 1-3 days a month to stay on top of their game.  Then there are those who believe in the brilliant wisdom of doing a major “house-clean” with every change of season by cleansing for several days in succession to restore their body and mind.

It’s up to you to experiment, listen to your body and to find the routine that is right for you.

At the very least, one of the best things you can do for your health is to start each morning with a cold-pressed juice before you consume anything else because it’s easy on your digestive system and you’ll be flooding your cells with vital nutrition each and every day to maintain your energy, mental and skin clarity and immunity.

Can I juice cleanse whilst on medications and/or supplements?


The principle behind a juice cleanse is that it gives your body the chance to begin releasing built up toxicity and to begin healing itself from the inside out.

If your medications or supplements are adding toxicity into your body (probably worth looking into if you’re unsure), then it stands to reason that conflict may occur if you continue taking them whilst on a cleanse.

Whilst many people have managed to free themselves completely of their medications through extended fasting, if you are on medication, we recommend that you seek appropriate professional advice before making a choice to embark on a juice cleanse yourself.

We are great advocates of the ancient Hippocrates’ philosophy, ‘Let Food be thy Medicine and Medicine be thy Food’.

Can I juice cleanse whilst pregnant or breast-feeding?


Whilst we think it’s an awesome idea to incorporate cold-pressed juices into your diet at any time, we do not recommend “cleansing” whilst pregnant or breast-feeding due to the extra demands being placed on your body during this time.

If I feel ‘yuck’, what should I do?


Some people may experience headaches, fatigue, dizziness and mood swings during a juice cleanse. This is common and is normally a sign that your body is detoxifying.

As toxins exit your system and enter the bloodstream to be eliminated, you may feel nauseas or like you’re becoming ill. We recommend drinking lots of clean water and getting plenty of rest if you experience this.

Peppermint Oil rubbed you’re your temples can provide relief for your headaches and Epsom salt baths can also be extremely soothing and detoxifying.

What about fibre?


Fibre is necessary to move food bulk through your digestive system, however during a juice cleanse, the primary purpose is to give your body a rest from expending energy on the digestion of food.

Consuming cold-pressed juice is high-frequency nutrition for your cells that requires virtually no digestion.  The nutrients received from the juices are absorbed rapidly into your blood stream, allowing your body to divert its available energy to detoxifying, healing and repairing rather than processing food.

With all of our cleanses, we provide a psyllium husk blend (a highly concentrated fibre), which can be mixed with water to help with waste elimination if required.

What about calories?


One of the biggest misconceptions out there is the caloric input-output equation.  The truth is that not all calories are created equal.

Whilst the number of calories in a food can be helpful in determining it’s density and the amount of work required to break it down, the caloric equation creates more confusion than it’s worth.

Aspartame is one of the most toxic sweeteners out there and yet it contains virtually no calories.  Margarine is promoted as being less fat than raw butter, and yet the hydrogenated oils contained within margarine create chaos in the human body.

When your body is receiving the nutrients that it needs from highly electric, living nutrition i.e. wholefoods and fresh juices – even though in a strict sense they may contain more calories than other processed foods – the brain sends a signal to the stomach that you are full and the hunger goes away.

Enough about calories – think QUALITY over quantity and you’ll be on the right track.

How many calories are in a Cleanse?


Cleanses range from 1500-2000 calories per day.  Calorie intake should not be the primary focus of your cleanse though.  All of The Cleanse Kitchen ingredients are nutrient-rich and full of live enzymes that will support your body’s natural ability to heal.


Should my children do a juice cleanse?


We believe that there are huge benefits to be gained from juice cleansing for people of all ages, however embarking on a juice cleanse for multiple days requires a level of commitment that many children may find difficult.

Rather than commit to a “cleanse”, we recommend introducing a cold-pressed juice into your child’s daily routine.  It’s a great way to get a tonne of nutrients into their growing bodies every day, to help prevent them from getting sick and to set them up for healthier eating habits now and into the future.

Can I get extra support or guidance during my Cleanse if needed?


With your cleanse delivery, you will receive a CLEANSE SUCCESS GUIDE that gives you tips and information to help you through your cleanse.

If you have any additional questions at any time during your cleanse, feel free to email us at: hello@thecleansekitchen.com.au or call us on 1300 JUICED and we’ll be happy to help as best we can.

How do I maintain the amazing feeling I get from a Cleanse once it’s finished?


Hydrate with clean, filtered water throughout the day.  Ideally 1 litre per 22 kg’s of body weight is recommended, but at least 8 glasses per day is a great start.

Add as much raw plant-based food to your diet as you can i.e. lots of fresh fruit and salads will keep the high-water content, easy-to-digest nutrients moving through your system.

Add naturally fermented foods like organic cheeses (with vegetable enzymes/no animal rennet), probiotics and yogurts (without gelatin) to your diet if you can, because they provide good digestive enzymes in your stomach and will help re-establish and maintain the ecology of your gut.

Make healthy smoothies a part of your daily routine because they are easy to digest and are fantastic for sustained energy.

It’s also a great idea to continue with at least one cold-pressed juice each morning as part of your routine, either by investing in a cold-pressed juicer yourself, or by having one of our Custom Juice Packs conveniently delivered to your door each week.

Stay active with daily walking for 30-45 mins as a bare minimum.  If you want to step things up a notch, introduce yoga, pilates or light resistance training to your weekly routine.  And get plenty of good clean air and some sunshine whenever you can.

Above all, if you fall off the horse for a while, listen to your body and make a commitment to get back on it as soon as possible.

What if I am gluten intolerant?


Our juices are gluten-free.  There is absolutely nothing added to our juice and our facility does not handle wheat or grains of any kind, only raw nuts.

Will I lose weight doing a Juice Cleanse?


Doing a Juice Cleanse will help to release excess toxins and backed up sludge stuck in your digestive tract.  This is the primary reason to do a juice cleanse.

A cleaner system will make it easier to shed unwanted weight, so whilst you won’t necessarily immediately lose weight during your cleanse, the natural by-product will be that your body will now be running more efficiently and ready to start releasing excess body fat more easily.

Post cleanse, we recommend incorporating lots of high water content, raw plant foods into your diet and a routine of moderate exercise and periodic cleansing.

Will my metabolism slow down by doing a Juice Cleanse?


A Cleanse done properly actually improves metabolic function because it releases out of your system dead cells, waste, toxins and mucus.  This process actually speeds up the metabolism because your body becomes more efficient and ready to absorb nutrients.  The net result is you’ll want to eat less because your cells are more nourished and you’ll want to do more because you feel more energized.

Whilst a Juice Cleanse may temporarily slow your metabolism if you’re body is used to processing lots of food, this will not be permanent.

Do I have to consume the juices in the sequence numbered on the bottles?


For Cleanses, your juices will arrive numbered in a sequence of 1 thru 6 for consumption in that order each day.  There is method to this, so we do recommend drinking them in that order.  Our “bundles” do not include a number sequence, so just drink them as you see fit!

What if I have trouble having bowel movements during my Cleanse?

Eliminating waste from the digestive tract can be a serious issue for many people and is a perfect reason to embark on a juice cleanse in the first place.To assist with this process during your cleanse, we include a Psyllium fibre blend for you to mix with water and drink, to help get things moving along.  You can also add a teaspoon of chia seeds to any of our juices or nut mylks.We believe in colonic hydrotherapy as well, however we only recommend clinics that use the gentle ‘gravity flow’ method.Other things that can help release waste from your body during and after your cleanse include, Infra-Red Saunas, Steam Rooms, Epsom Salts Baths and remedial Massage.



How long do your juices stay fresh?


When kept chilled and unopened, each juice has a shelf life of 3-4 days and is marked with a use-by date to help you remember when you must consume it by.

Our Juices are pressed on the morning of delivery to you. Your order makes its way to your door from our cold room kitchen on the Gold Coast in a chilled delivery van. When it arrives, someone must be available to receive your delivery so that it can be placed immediately in the refrigerator.

Remember, our cold-pressed juices are completely raw and unpasteurized with no preservatives, so they will deteriorate once aerated and opened. When you’re ready for a juice, we recommend that you shake it up and drink it completely in one sitting.

Are your juices organic?


All of the produce we source for our juices is either from local organic suppliers or local growers who use sustainable, spray-free farming methods.

Our philosophy is to find the best locally grown produce possible, rather than limit ourselves solely to buying from growers who have gone through the rigid organic certification process.  There are many small, local growers who do things right who have not gone to the trouble of certification for various reasons.

On the odd occasion that we’re unable to source an organic ingredient, we use a light rinse of filtered water mixed with organic apple cider vinegar to remove any possible residues prior to juicing.

What is the difference between your Green Juices and Fruit Juices?


Our green juices contain more vegetables and are more alkalizing and the fruit juices contain more natural sugars and are more energizing.  The higher fruit content juices are designed to cleanse and enliven and the higher green vegetable content juices are designed to rebuild and strengthen.

Will your juices taste exactly the same every single time?


Whilst we strive to keep all of our recipes consistent, since we are using raw organic, seasonal produce, occassionally a particular juice may look or taste slightly different.  We strive to keep our products as consistent as humanly possible, always delicious and always with the same healthy benefits. In the event that an ingredient is unavailable, we will substitute it with the closest ingredient that will uphold the quality and integrity of the original recipe.


What are your delivery charges?


A flat rate delivery charge of $20 (including GST) applies to all orders.  Read more in the Delivery Information section of our website.

Do you sell individual juices and what is your minimum order?


Our juices are not sold individually online, however “Bundles” are available in quantities of 4 and 6 bottles in either our pre-selected combinations or you can build your own 6 pack bundle from our complete range of juices, nut mylks and smoothies.

Our cleanse packs: The Newbie, The Standard, The Fruit-Free and The Green each contain a pre-selected combination of 6 juices PER DAY, plus a lemon elixir mix, psyllium fibre blend and organic herbal tea to help kick start digestion and the release of toxins from your system.

What if a Delivery Date is unable to be selected at checkout?


Since optimum freshness is part of our promise, all of our Bundles and Cleanses are made-to-order.

This means we have a production capacity for each day’s delivery run of orders.  If your preferred delivery day listed in the Weekly Delivery Schedule (as shown on our Delivery Info page) is unable to be selected at checkout, it means that either: A] Production capacity for that delivery date has been reached; or B] You have placed your order after the “Order Cut-Off” for your preferred delivery day. If your first choice delivery date is unavailable, please select the next available delivery date for your region.

What if I am not home when my order arrives?


Your order will be dispatched from our kitchen between 10am & 12pm on the day of your delivery. Depending on the number of deliveries for that day and your location, your order will be delivered some time between 11am and 5pm that day.

It is recommended that someone is available at your delivery address to receive your order so that it can be refrigerated immediately.

Our driver will leave your order unattended in a sensible place if no one is available at the time of delivery.

Please remember, our Juices are raw, unpasteurised and contain no preservatives, so they MUST be kept cold at all times. We cannot guarantee any product that is left unattended or not received in person.

Will I receive all of my juices in one delivery?


All of orders are prepared and delivered in one delivery.

What is your cancellation policy?


When you order a Bundle or Juice Cleanse , you will be required to select a delivery date from the options available during the check-out process.

Due to our produce ordering processes and standards of freshness, the cut-off for orders is typically 24-48 hours days prior to delivery.

If you change your mind, you may cancel your order up to 24 hours prior to your delivery date by emailing us at: hello@thecleansekitchen.com.au for a full refund or we can postpone your delivery to another suitable date for you (only one date change is permitted).

Once delivered, your order cannot be cancelled, returned or refunded, however if there are any problems with your order once you receive it, please let us know immediately so that we can rectify it for you.

Can I place an order for my preferred delivery day after the Order Cut-Off?


Our order “Cut-Offs” are required to accurately plan our production each day.

If you place an Order after the cut-off period for any particular date, we will endeavour to include your order in the production run, however it is not guaranteed.

If we receive an order beyond the cut-off date that we are unable to deliver on your selected delivery date, we will contact you to let you know and give you the option to be included with the next available production run and delivery date.



Why do you use glass bottles instead of plastic?


All of our juices are prepared in the highest quality, premium grade, glass bottles available.  Firstly, we believe that everything tastes better and stays fresher in glass. Secondly, glass does not contain any BPA’s or potentially harmful chemicals that are common with plastic.

Finally, glass bottles are re-usable and better for the environment.  Yes, glass is more expensive but we believe it’s worth it and we think you’ll feel the same when you taste our products.

Do you have a bottle recycle program?


Whilst we don’t have a specific program, we are environmentally conscious, which means we are always happy to take back CLEAN bottles from our customers so that we can recycle them.

Feel free to either drop them into our kitchen at Southport or leave them out for our driver to collect with your next delivery.

What type of machinery do you use to produce your juices?


The Cleanse Kitchen uses a state-of-the art hydraulic cold-press, commercial grade machine imported from the USA.  It is estimated to extract about 5 times more nutrients than other machines.  It’s technology also minimizes exposure to air, preventing rapid oxidation and allowing our juices to maintain freshness for up to 4 days with virtually no loss of nutrients, color or taste.

Where is your juice kitchen facility?


Our juice kitchen is located in Southport on the Gold Coast and is used exclusively for preparing and processing our customer orders.  We do not believe in outsourcing the production of our juices to other facilities so that we can produce and deliver more.  We take our quality control very seriously.


Which fruit comes from a Cactus?


Want to eat something that looks like an alien flower? Check out the dragon fruit. It’s hot pink with green curly spikes and grows on cactus plants.

A dragon fruit tastes sort of like a kiwi – sweet and sour. To eat the dragon fruit, cut it in half and scoop out the insides for a yummy treat. Fruit makes a great snack!

Look for weird fruits in your grocery store, farmer’s markets, or at Asian or Latino markets.

What's the largest fruit that grows on a tree?


The jackfruit might weigh more than you do! It can weigh as much as 100 pounds and grow three feet long.

It tastes a little bit like a banana! And it’s good for you. The jackfruit has vitamin C and other nutrients.

The next time you want candy or a sweet dessert, reach for a piece of sweet fruit like a jackfruit or a banana.

Which fruit is hairy and has spikes?


The rambutan is so weird! The outside is sort of red. It has soft, hair-like spikes. When you peel away the hairy skin, you’ll see the white part of the fruit that you can eat. It looks like an egg. There is a seed inside, but don’t eat the seed! It tastes bitter.

Like most fruits, a rambutan has vitamin C. See if you can eat 1 1/2 to 2 cups of fruit each day to help your body stay strong.

Which fruit has hundreds of seeds that you can eat?


The pomegranate is a pink-red fruit. It has hundreds of red seeds inside. Some people squish pomegranates to make pomegranate juice that you can drink. You can probably find pomegranates or pomegranate juice at your grocery store.

Some people call pomegranates a “super food.” That’s because eating them can help protect your heart, brain, and body.

Which fruit has horns?


The strange-looking kiwano melon is also called the horned melon. It has horns that make it look like a weird dog toy.

You can scoop out the fruit and eat it, and then use the shell as a bowl.

The kiwano melon tastes sweet and sour — like a banana, lime, and cucumber all mixed together.

The kiwano melon has lots of vitamin C. Vitamin C helps your body heal if you get hurt.