The Diary of a Juice Cleanser - Day 3

The Diary of a Juice Cleanser - Day 3

It’s the final day of my juice cleanse, and I’m disappointed that it’s almost over as I have loved supplementing my routine with these hydrating, nutritious juices!

I had no signs of bloating this morning even after reintroducing solid foods yesterday, and the biggest difference I noticed was my skin - it was soft and glowing! I wasn’t surprised after how hydrated the juices kept me over the past two days. 

This morning I had my celery juice as usual, and added some of my herbal moringa powder to the mix. I usually take moringa with water but it mixed in with the celery juice perfectly. 

I then went for a 5km run which felt light and easy. As a regular runner, I notice the day to day differences in how I feel whilst running, and after two days of introducing the juices into my diet, my cardio levels felt improved, it was easier to sustain my endurance and I even ran faster - it was certainly one of my better runs. After returning home, I drank my Burleigh Green juice as a refreshing post-run beverage. 

Then it was time for an early lunch. I had half of my Health Nut juice with a handful of almonds, and some protein oats, berries and chia seeds.

After working across lunch I headed to the beach in the late afternoon to get some vitamin D and read my book. I took my Clean Green juice with me and enjoyed this as I walked down to the beach, and even packed some Glow juice (not included in the cleanse) as a refreshing drink to have to hand whilst I was there! 

Then it was time to get ready for dinner. We decided to go out for dinner this evening, and I was very much looking forward to this. Not only was my skin now glowing from the 3 day cleanse which made me feel good going out, but also, I didn’t feel at all restricted by the juice cleanse with regards to eating dinner out this evening. If anything, the juice cleanse made me feel so fortified and healthy over the three days that I knew going for a meal out would in no way hinder my health or progress. 

Before dinner I had my Black Magik juice and tried very carefully not to spill this on my evening dress(!). Dinner was a delicious seafood laksa. I usually enjoy dessert but I was quite satisfied to skip it on this occasion as I knew I had my bedtime Dr Green juice to return home to, as well as the other half of the Health Nut juice I didn’t finish earlier. 

Upon returning home I enjoyed my Clean Green first and sipped on the Health Nut around an hour later, as this can be taken as juice number 6 and I wanted to try it before bed. It sends you to bed feeling pleasantly full but is in no way heavy or overpowering. 

From trying the 3 Day Fruit Free Juice Cleanse, I was most impressed by how healthy, hydrated and energetic I felt; how much my skin glowed within the space of just 3 days; and the reduced bloating I experienced. Unexpectedly, the juices also helped me to stay on track with my eating in terms of making healthier choices and snacking less. I was a little nervous going into the ‘3 day juice cleanse’ because I felt a kind of self-imposed expectation to be really strict with myself, but the biggest takeaway for me was that it doesn’t have to be extreme and you don’t have to fast. Actually supplementing your diet with these nutritious juices is hugely beneficial and more practical if you intend to keep working and exercising whilst doing a juice cleanse for a more sustained period of time. 

Overall, I wish I could have these juices to hand every day. My ideal routine would now be to fast one day per week with a juice cleanse, and to supplement the other 6 days of the week with the juices alongside healthy, balanced meals. To me, the juices seem to be a much more effective and wiser investment than multivitamins or supplements, and that’s primarily what I would have them for. My next order has been placed already! 

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