Juices to Support Premenstrual Symptoms
Let’s start with acknowledging what warriors we are for putting up with menstruation and premenstrual symptoms every. darn. month. We know how hard it is; and how crucial it is to be getting the adequate vitamins and minerals around this time of the month to support your physical and psychological well-being. That’s right, supplementing your diet correctly can help alleviate all those lesser-loved premenstrual symptoms like cramping, bloating, fatigue, depression and irritability. So with that, let’s take a look at which of our juices you can add to your monthly routine that contain the nutrients to support you.
Mind Mylk
Cashews, Purified Water, Medjool Dates, Banana, Cacao Powder, Nutmeg, Chia Seeds
- Banana contains potassium and vitamin B6, which can help prevent bloating and muscle cramping.
- Cashews and cacao are great sources of magnesium, which can relieve cramping and tension as well as aid your sleep if this is disturbed during your luteal phase.
- Cacao also contains phenylethylamine (PEA), a natural mood enhancer that can help reduce feelings of anxiety and depression, and theobromine, which can help dilate blood vessels and reduce headaches.
- If that weren’t enough, nutmeg contains phytonutrients that can ease lower abdominal pain; emmenagogue properties can help regulate the menstrual cycle by balancing hormones; analgesic properties can help manage mood swings; and sedative properties that can help with insomnia.
Watermelon, Red Apple, Cucumber, Lime, Ginge
- Did you know that watermelon can combat PMS? This fruit keeps you hydrated, can control bloating, and can and prevent constipation for women that experience it during their menstrual cycle. Plus, it's packed with nutrients like vitamin B6, which can ease the irritability, bloating, and anxiety linked to menstrual cramps.
- Apples can help regulate your blood sugar levels, preventing those sudden drops that leave you hangry and moody; they also contain antioxidants like quercetin, which help reduce inflammation and boost your immune system when your body’s feeling rundown from period fatigue.
- Cucumbers, with their high water content, make them one of the best foods for easing menstrual bloating.
- Anti-inflammatory ginger can reduce period cramps and painful spasms.
- Finally - and something you may not have known - is that lime juice may actually make periods shorter and lighter for some women.
Muscle Mylk
Almonds, Purified Water, Banana, Medjool Dates, Maca Powder, Nutmeg, Chia Seeds, Cinnamon
- Almonds are high in magnesium to reduce cramping and tension, as well as B vitamins like vitamin B6 and riboflavin, which can lessen premenstrual pains.
- Bananas contain potassium and vitamin B6, which can help prevent bloating and muscle cramping.
- Almonds and chia seeds contain Omega-3, which can help counter the effects of prostaglandins that cause period symptoms like cramps and headaches.
- Nutmeg contains phytonutrients that can ease lower abdominal pain; emmenagogue properties can help regulate the menstrual cycle by balancing hormones; analgesic properties can help manage mood swings; and sedative properties that can help with insomnia.
- Medjool dates may help with PMS because they can increase energy and improve hormone regulation due to the phytonutrients they contain.
- Studies have shown that maca can reduce physical and emotional symptoms of PMS, such as cramps, bloating, and mood swings, and regulate the menstrual cycle. Maca's adaptogenic properties help regulate hormones and stimulate the pituitary and hypothalamus glands by balancing oestrogen and testosterone levels.
- Cinnamon can help regulate insulin levels, which may affect the menstrual cycle. This may help women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) have more regular periods. Cinnamon can reduce prostaglandin levels, increase endorphin levels, and improve blood circulation to ease period pains. Cinnamon may also reduce the amount of menstrual bleeding.
Beet Chia
Apple, Beetroot, Lemon, Ginger, Mint, Chia Seeds
- Beetroot's nitrates help relax blood vessels and improve blood flow to the uterus, which can reduce inflammation and relieve pain. It is also rich in iron, which helps produce hemoglobin and increase oxygenated blood flow to body and to the uterus. Blood loss during menstruation can cause fatigue, so beetroot can help restore energy levels by increasing iron levels. Beetroot also contains betaine, which has anti-inflammatory effects that can help manage menstrual cramps.
- Mint can act as a muscle relaxant and reduce prostaglandin F2a, an inflammatory substance that causes menstrual cramps.
- Apples can help regulate your blood sugar levels, preventing those sudden drops that leave you hangry and moody; they also contain antioxidants like quercetin, which help reduce inflammation and boost your immune system when your body’s feeling rundown from period fatigue.
- Anti-inflammatory ginger can reduce period cramps and painful spasms.
- Chia seeds contain Omega-3, which can help counter the effects of prostaglandins that cause period symptoms like cramps and headaches.
- Citrus fruits like lemons are high in vitamin C and fiber, which can help with mood swings. Lemon juice can also ease bloating, nausea and an upset stomach with its natural alkalinity.
Dr Green
Coconut Water, Spinach, Kale, Avocado, Medjool Dates, Lemon, Chia Seeds
- Coconut water contains nutrients that may help ease menstrual pain. It also contains magnesium, which can help reduce muscle tension and potentially cause blood vessels to dilate. Coconut water may help regulate the uterus and reduce contractions that cause cramps. It may also help dissolve menstrual blood clots and induce early menstruation for women who don't have a regular cycle.
- Spinach is loaded with magnesium, vitamin B6, and vitamin E, all of which have been shown to fight menstrual cramps. It also contains calcium which can relieve period pains and regulate mood, sleep, and food cravings.
- Kale is a great source of calcium, iron and magnesium which are essential minerals needed to alleviate premenstrual symptoms such as cramping and mood swings.
- Avocados may help with premenstrual symptoms like bloating, cravings, and muscle cramps because they contain nutrients that can help with inflammation, pain, and feelings of fullness. A natural diuretic that helps remove excess sodium and fluid from the body, it can also help prevent muscle cramps and make you feel full. Avocados also contain Omega-3 which can relieve headaches, and magnesium for easing period pains and improving sleep.
Health Nut
Almonds, Purified Water, Medjool Dates, Cinnamon, Nutmeg
- Almonds are high in magnesium to reduce cramping and tension, as well as B vitamins like vitamin B6 and riboflavin, which can lessen premenstrual pains. They also contain Omega-3, which can help counter the effects of prostaglandins that cause period symptoms like cramps and headaches.
- Medjool dates may help with PMS because they can increase energy and improve hormone regulation due to the phytonutrients they contain.
- Cinnamon can help regulate insulin levels, which may affect the menstrual cycle. This may help women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) have more regular periods. Cinnamon can reduce prostaglandin levels, increase endorphin levels, and improve blood circulation to ease period pains. Cinnamon may also reduce the amount of menstrual bleeding.
- Nutmeg contains phytonutrients that can ease lower abdominal pain; emmenagogue properties can help regulate the menstrual cycle by balancing hormones; analgesic properties can help manage mood swings; and sedative properties that can help with insomnia.