Well hello there!

And welcome to our website and blog. Phew, what a ride its been to get here… But I’m pumped. Little bit exhausted, but PUMPED anyway!

You’ve probably already worked out, I’m Inga and my partner in crime is Zane. We are parents to 3 very lovely, funny, challenging girls and we are passionate about our feeling, looking, being and doing our best.

We’ve wanted to start this little on-line juice ‘thing’ since 2009. But you know how it goes, you’re busy with your other ‘stuff’, family, business, friends and all that. And all of a sudden, you’re struck with a flash of clarity. And you spend the next 48 hours in a stupor, like WHAT WERE THINKING.. HOW CAN WE NOT DO IT! Well thats kind of what happened to us. That was in about January this year. And since then, its been all systems go. We took off to the epicentres of Cold-Pressed Juice Kingdom, trawling the streets of New York and California (horrible, but you know, some one had to do it I guess) for an entire month. We drank juice, we spoke to those doing it, we drank more juice, we collected stuff, we drank more juice, we asked questions, drank more juice, drank more juice, and then we came home.

Fast forward ten months, and we are here. We now have a purpose built, fully kitted out kitchen, (it’s really something too!) and we are READY.

Here’s a little video we made one day when my hair was clean.

Enjoy – and of course, if you like it. Share it 😉 

Juice On,



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